Pick up an appreciation gift for your staffs today!
Posted on July 6th, 2020 Tags :
Here we are, a week into July. And we can’t deny that we have been though the past half year of 2020 in a mess.
Everyone is counting on one another in one way or another, especially on all the frontline staffs. Therefore, this is the time to appreciate them for their efforts in these difficult time. 🙂
Now, we would like to bring your attention to our chocolate gift boxes. Tasty and smoothing, chocolates will never fail you at this point of time!
Needless to say, we are doing promotion just for you! Don’t miss them! They may be here today but gone tomorrow!
Everyone in Candy Empire hope for you and your family members to be safe and well.
Please do scan the QR code before you head into our store, stay 1 metre away from one another and wear mask at all times!